Let me introduce you to Isao, MY horse! Hearing about his story will make you feel very good.
Isao is two and half years old. I think he is on this planet to guide us. He is sensitive and happy about it.
I met him in August 2018 in France in Vercors (Western side of the Alps) where he was born. He was a year old. He had that sharp eye even though he always stayed at a distance.
Isao grew up in a herd in the mountains and forests thanks to François Lejeune who dedicates his life to horse wellness and land management (more on François in an upcoming letter).
Isao is already very wise. Incredible listener, he knows what he wants. He has a fine sense of smell and sight.
This is a dream come true. He is my nude horse model. He incarnates freedom and space. And as you can imagine he has already inspired a few pieces…
This pastel and fusain on paper came to me while I was drawing Isao from memory. Isao will join us this summer. I only see him once a week so I rely on my memory*. Here’s some more info about it, “A star is born” (40×30 cm /11¾ x15 ¾’)
This other piece is also a pastel on paper. I presented it at the “Summer Paradise” show in Helsinki. I drew this inspired by Isao and the summer light of Finland. This is a large piece (70 x 100 cm) that now lives in Töölö, Helsinki.
Chances are that you will hear a loooot about Isao and about… his companion too! I will introduce him to you very soon 😉 (As you know horses like human beings are social creatures. They can’t live alone.)
I am so happy you met Isao. Let me know if you have a message for him, I will pass it on!!
Stay healthy and take care of your dream.s.
*About drawing from memory, Edgar Degas said “It is much better to draw what you can’t see any more but in your memory. It is a transformation in which imagination and memory work together. You only reproduce what struck you, that is to say the necessary. That way, your memories and your fantasy are freed from the tyranny of nature… A painting requires a little mystery. When you always make your meaning perfectly plain you end up boring people.”