One can see different things in a single art piece. This is what happened to Léa.

At the initial viewing, Léa saw a heart shape in the piece that later became her Emotion Portrait™.
It is funny how people know almost instantly their favorite one but they usually can’t really say why.
A little later, a film was shot in her apartment in Paris – Léa is well connected in the movie world ;).
The framed piece had to be moved around.
And surprise!
When presented upside down, she realized it had also the shape of the African continent.
Interestingly Léa grew up in Normandy but her grandmother didn’t come from France.
At the time of the portrait, she was looking at better knowing the story of her grandmother’s origins in Africa, but I had no idea when I worked on her portrait…

If you too want to be surprised by yourself and explore your sensitive self, the emotion portrait approach could suit you.
PS : I take a limited number of emotion portrait™ per year. I have opened the booking for 2019 so if you are interested, I suggest to schedule in advance. Click on the button above and let me know!

PPS: Here is the other one that Léa received as part of her emotion portrait. Which one do you prefer?