Sami’s Emotion Portrait, the Style ambassador of Finland

Sami’s Emotion Portrait, the Style ambassador of Finland

Sami’s Emotion Portrait, Suomen tyylin suurlähettiläs If you are reading these words it’s probably because you know Sami Sykkö. You know so many tiny things about him, his voice, his way of moving, his expressions, his love for fashion and...
The story of a unique friendship and a gift of love

The story of a unique friendship and a gift of love

You like visual arts but you don’t know how to draw anymore. It has been ages you haven’t picked up a brush or a pencil.
Do me a favor. Listen to the story of Sigrid’s Emotion Portrait or how the chemistry between two people is the root cause of the art piece called The Gift of Love.

How to choose the best frame for your art piece?

How to choose the best frame for your art piece?

Do you find it difficult to choose the frame that will enhance your interior and the art you love? Do you feel overwhelmed by the numerous options you have? Do you know how to guide your framer so that he/she makes what you really want? The frame around a work of art...
Why colors tell us about relationship?

Why colors tell us about relationship?

Colors are like people. They work together or not.. This morning I was working on my daily project to paint the mountain view from my breaksfast table. Later on, my husband saw this piece with some pink and asked: “Do you see the mountain pink or do you make...
A star is born…

A star is born…

Let me introduce you to Isao, MY horse! Hearing about his story will make you feel very good. Isao is two and half years old. I think he is on this planet to guide us. He is sensitive and happy about it. I met him in August 2018 in France in Vercors (Western side of...
Negative space or the space in between

Negative space or the space in between

Where are you today? What if we could travel anywhere we want at any time? Between Finland and France… These two weeks have been a thousand years. As I crossed the Baltic sea, I had time to reflect on how grateful I was to live in Finland and how sad I felt to...
Do you see water from your window?

Do you see water from your window?

What is the view from their window? This is what I wonder each time I walk by a house near a lake or the seashore. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Are you a ‘lake’ or a ‘sea’ person? In other words, are you a water person?? Because I am. Alhambra de Granada in...
Two places and the new normal…

Two places and the new normal…

At a time when we can loosen up but can’t travel that far yet, I invite you to two places: An emotional place and a physical one. The emotional place, or “the new normal” At the beginning of all of this (i.e. the pandemic), I felt relieved. Relieved because I was...

Commissioned Paintings Demystified

An original work of art, made especially for you! Since I get so many questions about my Emotion Portraits™, I thought I would address them in a simple post. 😊 Many people consider commissioning a portrait to celebrate and honor someone special in their...
The Joy and Beauty of Flowers

The Joy and Beauty of Flowers

Kati is so joyful and inspiring… I met Kati in Helsinki at an event. Her smile was illuminating the room. Her joy was contagious. Kati Mayfield comes from Colorado. At that time she was completing her master degree in Economics, focusing on Entrepreneurship and...
Forever Twin & Out-of-Touch in Stockholm Art Fair

Forever Twin & Out-of-Touch in Stockholm Art Fair

Leila Cromwell-Lönnroth, Galleri Skarpans, will present Forever Twin and Out-of-Touch at the Affordable Art Fair 2019 in Stockholm. Both pieces talk about total interdependence. These moments of connection, silence, movement. Out-of-Touch was created as part of the...
Walk on the Fairy Trail | May 29 – June 22, 2019

Walk on the Fairy Trail | May 29 – June 22, 2019

Let’s take a walk on the Fairy Trail! Souvenirs, souvenirs: here is the virtual pop up show that happened at Galleri Skarpans in Åland Island from May 29 til June 22, 2019. Leila Cromwell-Morgan Lönnroth runs the gallery with talent and elegance. Another great...
Embrace Failure!

Embrace Failure!

“We can’t stop now. I thought I’d stop when it was going well. But now it’s going very badly. It’s too late. We can’t stop now.” Those words come straight from “A Giacometti Portrait”. James Lord sat for eighteen days while his friend Alberto Giacometti did his...
Santtu, the Horse in the Living Room is Back!

Santtu, the Horse in the Living Room is Back!

“Liberating” “It’s hard!” “Relaxing” “Just focusing on one thing…” “New perspectives, new angles” “I want to draw more”   Featured in HBL Click the logo to read the full article in Swedish I don’t know where to start to talk about our session in...
After All What is Creativity?

After All What is Creativity?

In our head, everything is possible. It takes some time to make it happen though. I can only imagine how much space this dancer and freediver had to create to come up with this piece! For me, creativity is closely linked to the space we are moving in. Because...